Have you ever struggled with feeling lonely - even when you're surrounded by people you love? Most of us would say yes. It's painful and confusing. In this episode, Brené talks to Dr. Vivek Murthy, a physician and the 19th Surgeon General of the United States, about loneliness and the physical and emotional toll that social disconnection takes on us.
Dr. Marc Brackett has dedicated his life to studying emotions and to teaching us what he’s learning. In this episode, Brené and Marc talk about how emotional literacy - being able to recognise, name, and understand our feelings - affects everything from learning, decision making, and creativity, to relationships, health, and performance.
In this first podcast episode Brené talks about her strategy for staying in tough first times versus tapping out and shutting down. When we get to the point that we only do things that we’re already good at doing, we stop growing. And truly living.
Tarana has been working at the intersection of racial justice and gender equity for nearly three decades in the States, and she started the “Me Too” Movement in 2006. In this episode they talk about how Tarana’s theory of “empowerment through empathy” is changing the way the world thinks and talks about sexual violence, consent, and social justice
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